Workshops and satellite events

For contribution to workshops, please contact the coordinator(s). When the abstract is selected please submit it on line through the electronic submission.


 Workshop  Number 1 (detailled presentation)

 Title: Emerging health related (converging) technologies : a challenge for  social justice and patient rights

 Coordinator: Henriette Roscam Abbing

 Sponsor: European Journal of Health Law /European Association of Health Law

 Information and Contact:  Henriette Roscam Abbing


 Workshop  Number 2 (detailled presentation)

 Title: European Health Law and Innovation : substantive aspects and embedding in national legal orders

 Coordinators:  Aurélie Mahalatchimy* and Mark Flear**

 Sponsors: *CR CNRS, UMR 7318 in International, European and Comparative law (DICE-CERIC), CNRS-Aix-Marseille Université-Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour-Université de Toulon et du Var, Aix-en-Provence, France.

 **Queen’s University Belfast, UK.

Information and contact:  Aurélie Mahalatchimy


Workshop  Number 3 (detailled presentation)

 Title:  Evaluation and Health risk management in the European Union

 Coordinator: Nathalie De Grove Valdeyron

 Sponsor: Chaire Jean Monnet co funded by the Erasmus+ programme

 Information and Contact: Nathalie Valdeyron


Workshop  Number 4 (detailled presentation)

  Title: Innovative medicine and research :ethical, legal and regulatory issues

 Coordinator: Anagrazia Altavilla

 Sponsor: Gianni Benzi Pharmacological Research Foundation

 Information and Contact: Annagrazia Altavilla


  Workshop  Number 5 (detailled presentation)

  Title: The Council of Europe Education programme on Human rights (HELP) and bioethics

 Coordinators:  Ana Medarska-Lazova, HELP Project Officer ;Katrin Uerpmann, Administrator, bioethics Unit ; Laurence Lwolf Head of Bioethics Unit

 Sponsor: Council of Europe ; Directorate General Human rights and Rule of law (DGI)

 Information and Contact: Annagrazia Altavilla


Workshop  Number 6 (detailled presentation)

Title: "Rights on health data and databases: which legal innovations?"

Coordinators:  Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag, Margo Bernelin, Sonia

Sponsors: DataSanté, UNESCO Chair on Ethics, Science and Society, UMR
6297 DCS (CNRS/Université de Nantes), UMR 1027 LEASP (Inserm/Université
Paul Sabatier)

Information and contact: Margo Bernelin :


Workshop  Number 7 (detailled presentation)

Title:  Is  Intellectual property a booster or an hurdle for the health care innovation ?

Coordinator: Alexandra Mendoza-Caminade and Jacques Larrieu

Organization/Sponsors:  Epitoul-CDA and M2 Propriété Intellectuelle (Université Toulouse Capitole)

Information and contacts: Jacques Larrieu


 Workshop number 8 (detailled presentation)

 Title: Innovation and health , historical approach : vaccination as an exemple through the hsitory of law and the history of medicine.

 Coordinators: François Vialla et Stanis Perez

 Sponsors: Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche Droit et santé  (CEERDS Montpellier) et Maison des sciences de l’homme Paris Nord

 Information and contact: François Vialla :  et Stanis Perez :


Workshop  Number 9 (detailled presentation)

Title: Innovations in the digital care of the elderly :Technical, ethical and legal aspects

Coordinator: Isabelle Poirot-Mazères

Organization: Institut Maurice Hauriou, Axe Droit de la santé et nouvelles technologies, Université Toulouse I Capitole

 Information and contact:


Workshop  Number 10 (detailled presentation)

 Title: Medical law Education : Innovations, Healthcare, Justice and multiculturalism

 Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Vugar Mammadov

 Organization: World Association for Medical Law Education Committee

 Information and contact: Vugar Mammadov


Workshop  Number 11 (detailled presentation)

Title Cross-border access to end-of-life services in Europe

Coordinators Steven Lierman and Kristof Van Assche

Sponsor /Research center FWO/Leuven Institute for Healthcare Policy (KU Leuven)/ University of Antwerp

Information and contact :


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