Deadline for submission of abstracts: June 15th, 2019 Abstracts are accepted for poster and oral sessions. The word limit for abstracts is 300 words in Times new roman 12 ; 1,5 spaced. Abstracts are accepted via the online system ONLY ! Subthemes 1-Innovative medicine, 2-Innovative health products and research 3-Innovative health care and rights of the patient 4-Access to health care and innovation 5-E-Health and data protection 6-Intellectual property 7-Innovation in health care with aging population 8-Empowerment and involvement of patients in innovative health care 9-Links with ethics and law in innovation 10-Others Workshop How to submit your abstract : 1/ Go to SUBMIT page and create an account. The abstract submission software allows you to register with your email address and a password. You will receive a confirmation email. Click on the link contained in this email to finalize the creation of your account.Check your spam mailbox in case it will receive the confirmation email.