Satellite event to the 7th EAHL Conference

Toulouse, 25 September 2019

2 PM- 3.30 PM Conference

To receive healthcare in any other European Union country and to be reimbursed:

The European Directive on cross border healthcare at the service of European patients.


Université Toulouse Capitole

2 Rue du Doyen Gabriel Marty 31042 Toulouse

The state of the art of the European Union Directive on cross border health-care, an instrument the European legislator has put at the service of patients of the European Union countries plus Norway and Finland, will be drawn up by Henriette ROSCAM ABBING.

She will elaborate upon the major principles of the Directive, as well as at the main obstacles for its effective implementation. 

Some advantages: the possibility for having access to highly specialised medical services. The Directive covers in principle refund of healthcare costs, as well as the prescription and delivery of medications and medical devices.

Some obstacles: national differences regarding rights of the patient; expensive treatments; insufficient information about the conditions of health services in another EU country; refunding of expenses not always guaranteed. 

Conditions for exercising medical practice across borders of EU countries do exist, though these are not directly covered by the Directive on cross border healthcare.          

In addition to this first approach of the topic, Nathalie De GROVE-VALDEYRON, will address briefly several promising aspects  of the Directive for the patients like the “e-health network”, or the creation of the European reference networks– virtual networks opening up new perspectives related to diagnostic and treatment of rare and complex diseases -, or the Health technology assessment network (HTA) which has become an essential aspect in an environment of ever changing health technologies (what about a common European clinical assessment ?)..

Key Speaker : Henriette ROSCAM ABBING (NL): Honorary chairperson of the European Association of Health Law, professor emerita of health law (universities of Maastricht and Utrecht). She has been an advisor of the Minister of Health, member of the European Public Health Committee and of the Committee of Bioethics (Council of Europe) and co-author of the WHO Declaration on the promotion of patients’ rights in Europe. At present she is one of the Editors of the European Journal of Health Law. At the occasion of the 50th birthday of the Dutch Association of Health law (2018) she was honoured with the “Prof mr. Henriette Roscam Abbing medal of merit” – to be awarded at the annual meeting of the Association to a health lawyer who has in various ways scientifically been active for some time in the field of Dutch /European health law.  

Panel: Pr. Isabelle POIROT-MAZERES; MCF-HDR Nathalie De GROVE-VALDEYRON, Chaire Jean Monnet; Pr. Alexandra MENDOZA-CAMINADE, Université Toulouse Capitole.

Moderator: Pr Jacques LARRIEU, Université Toulouse Capitole

On registration :

3.30 PM - 4.30 PM  Reception in honour of Pr Henriette ROSCAM ABBING

Académie de Législation, Hôtel d’Assezat

Place d’Assezat 31000 Toulouse

(on invitation)

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